Sypher PK. In defence of u/Silver-Menace, here's another example of blatant lying.

yeah all my homies hate sypher pk he tries to be a sweat but he is the worst content creator to ever exist he is worst than old ali-a there are people way better than him in content and in skill he may be an og being the trap tower king but traps arent in the game so he cant really do anything this subreddit hates sypherpk so much we want to cancel him so much i hate sypher pk and his editor jack this subreddit does not allow sypherpk and we allow all negativity towards him he is so toxic and salty and a clickbaiter i hate sypherpk me too i hate sypherpk too if u agree then yay also he tries to make a video on literally everything everytime a new gamemode comes up then boom new video with a clickbait title and thumbnail i hate sypherpk sypher if ur reading this then i wish i never bought ur locker bundle im never using manic bad sweat skin i was wrong then this subreddit hates sypherpk and we are so toxic against him since we can do better

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