Sysadmins, what do you do for fun?

Sysadmins, what do you do for fun?

  • I'm a big recreational reader. I've almost always got a book I'm working on. And my giant smartphone makes an excellent e-reader, which means I can read during lunch or while I wait for software to do its thing.

  • I like video games. I don't play as much as I used to... But I've still got an active WoW account and put in a few hours a week with the wife.

  • I've got a group I meet up with to play Dungeons & Dragons every couple of weeks.

  • I've recently started playing the X-Wing Miniatures game.

Been so involved in the Sysadmin role on full day shifts and for the past 3 months, extra night shifts and slowly feel my life being drained.

Despite what you might hear... A workload like that just isn't sustainable, and it's the perfect recipe for burnout. Your management is unlikely to care much about your work/life balance. It's going to be up to you to push back and establish healthy boundaries.

What do you guys do to stay sane?

I refuse to work more than about 40 hours a week without a damn good reason.

/r/sysadmin Thread