Tai Chi vs Wrestling Video - Legit or Not?

I thought you'd appreciate this update! Turns out the "Grand Master" was in town last night. He heard I said he was a fake and agreed to grapple me (if I got past his student). This was at a seminar where about 20 people paid 60 bucks a pop to learn from him. After an hour of doing tai chi poses, his student said it was time to "play with me." He warned me that he "Doesn't have the self control of his master." We shook hands, I hit a blast double. Guy had good balance but no knowledge of sprawling / underhooks. Went straight to his hands and knees and I sunk in a RNC. I could tell he didn't know what tapping was, so I just let him up. We collar tied, I hit a slide-by -> mat return -> RNC. At this point, the "Grand Master" stepped in and indicated he wanted to wrestle me. I took the guy down about 5 times. Whenever I was in on a double leg, he attempted a guillotine (my neck is still sore...) but I always passed to the correct side. I was SO damn close to making him pass out with a Von Flue Choke since he refused to let go of cranking my neck, but he rolled me off the top. I passed to full mount twice, at which point he said "ok ok" and when I let him up he wanted to keep going (really frustrating since I was fucking gassed). I really wanted to finish the guy, so I jumped for a guillotine of my own. Dumb idea since we were on hard floor. He slammed me as hard as he could. To his credit, I tried my best to finish the choke but he stuck it out. Ultimately, I think I just ended up ruining the vibe of the evening lol. The "Grand Master" couldn't continue to teach the class, instead we all heard him coughing in the bathroom and he spent the rest of the class sitting down while his student taught the class. I was really scared to fight them, to be honest, but I reminded myself of everyone's consensus and decided I had to find out for myself.

I thought you'd appreciate this update! Turns out the "Grand Master" was in town last night. He heard I said he was a fake and agreed to grapple me (if I got past his student). This was at a seminar where about 20 people paid 60 bucks a pop to learn from him. After an hour of doing tai chi poses, his student said it was time to "play with me." He warned me that he "Doesn't have the self control of his master." We shook hands, I hit a blast double. Guy had good balance but no knowledge of sprawling / underhooks. Went straight to his hands and knees and I sunk in a RNC. I could tell he didn't know what tapping was, so I just let him up. We collar tied, I hit a slide-by -> mat return -> RNC. At this point, the "Grand Master" stepped in and indicated he wanted to wrestle me. I took the guy down about 5 times. Whenever I was in on a double leg, he attempted a guillotine (my neck is still sore...) but I always passed to the correct side. I was SO damn close to making him pass out with a Von Flue Choke since he refused to let go of cranking my neck, but he rolled me off the top. I passed to full mount twice, at which point he said "ok ok" and when I let him up he wanted to keep going (really frustrating since I was fucking gassed). I really wanted to finish the guy, so I jumped for a guillotine of my own. Dumb idea since we were on hard floor. He slammed me as hard as he could. To his credit, I tried my best to finish the choke but he stuck it out. Ultimately, I think I just ended up ruining the vibe of the evening lol. The "Grand Master" couldn't continue to teach the class, instead we all heard him coughing in the bathroom and he spent the rest of the class sitting down while his student taught the class. I was really scared to fight them, to be honest, but I reminded myself of everyone's consensus and decided I had to find out for myself.

/r/MMA Thread Parent Link - youtube.com