Taking an SSRI made me trip - some thoughts on what this might mean.

Like I said, you're strawmaning me - if you don't know what that means, it means you are putting forward your own version of my argument and then attacking that - you just did it again by implying my intentions, you have no idea what they were.

I am by no means "bragging" about swallowing a pill lmao, there's no achievement in taking drugs, anyone can do it. I'm not just trying to get high either and I have no idea where you could have inferred that from. There's no implying any discovery lol I'm merely postulating an idea to get opinions from the sub. Feel free to give an indication of where I implied myself as an "academic scientific researcher" I have not done this nor do I view myself as such. There's an hypocrisy in you claiming this no less given how you have been arrogantly asserting your opinions here as if they're facts.

What do you know, really? Dismissing an argument outright does nothing to prove your side of it correct, nor does it make you as particularly intelligent as you so smugly hold yourself to be.

I bet you think you're some sort of top shit intellectual beacon because you've read some paragraphs of Nietzsche or maybe you just started listening to Peterson lectures or the like. At least the way you communicate reads with all the arrogance of someone who's in the early stages of grappling with these mens ideas, yet hasn't fully grasped the full breadth of it all.

Being "intelligent" doesn't mean baselsly shooting down the ideas of others without proposing your own in their place, there's literally 0 wisdom involved in that. Nor does arrogantly assuming you know everything or are intellectually superior than others in anyway, both behaviours of which are on full display here by you. Shooting my ideas down does nothing to validate your own (of which, I'm not sure you have any outside of just blatantly disagreeing with others)

How much more do you know about neuroscience than me anyway? By the way you assert your opinion one would assume a lot but I reckon beneath the facade the truth is that you know very little yourself.

Get off your high horse, you look like a fool.

/r/HPPD Thread Parent