Taking Ashwagandha (kms-66 root extract) with ADHD medication?

I take 20mg lisdexamphetamine and occasionally use ashwaghandha in an evening. I take ashwaghandha to help with inflammation, which in turn helps with stress and helps me feel 'lighter' in a sense.

For non-ADHD med anxiety, I have found that a magnesium supplement helps tremendously. I have tried magnesium malate and magnesium bisglycinate (separately), as these are some of the most bioavailable forms. I try to take these 3 x /day as we can only absorb 100mg at a time, so I split my dose accordingly.

I have found exercise to be the best way to treat ADHD-med anxiety, however, as it 'works the tightness out of my body and keeps my mind busy in that I am focusing on my workout. I do an interval/weights session for 30mins or a yoga session for 30 mins, and it resets me nicely.

Hope that helps in some way, and good luck :)