I Think Taking Kids Away From Their Families For Not Being Able To Pay Lunch Fees Is Pretty Trashy

This hits close to home for me.

I was super poor as a kid, and my family could basically only afford about $1 per day for my meals, be it made at home or bought at school. School lunches were $3, so I couldn't afford them, so I had to ask other kids for money so I could eat.

A lot of times I didn't eat at all and had to pretend that I ate already, but inside I was starving and all I could think about is food. It def hindered my education, and stunted from lack of nutrition.

Not only that, but I got so used to not eating (I was like 30lbs underweight). That I still deal with it all these years later. I still don't eat breakfast or lunch, and only eat dinner.

I've been forcing myself to drink some super food shakes in the morning which really help me.

Fuck this shit, fuck Pennsylvania and anyone that suggested this should be a law. My parents worked so many jobs just to keep a roof over our head, and my mom did the best to cook us budget meals. I can't imagine my parents being thrown in jail, what would be the outcome? Theg can't work and we lose our house? Punishing people for being poor is the most fucked up thing.

The USA is not the greatest country on earth, not even close.

/r/trashy Thread Link - i.imgur.com