Tales of Arise is fantastic and you guys should check it out!

True, but being active on multiple platforms let me tell you that a lot of markets' refund policies are horrible. Not talking about something like 2 hour playtime limit here (which is actually reasonable as that's about how long a demo should be tops). The customer remains completely dependent on whether or not they are assisted. In way too many cases they try to screw over the consumer anyway, just look at the thousands of topics on the internet. Buying and refunding is a risky manner of trying out a game, despite it working out for you.. it doesn't for many others. Demo's puts more control in the consumer's hand.

Another problem is that legislation in a lot of places, in an attempt to protect consumers ironically, require refunding options. For gaming however, especially in an increasingly digital era, pre-purchase testing is way more ideal for the gamers to be protected from big corporations and studios. Refunding should be a non-issue, but it isn't. Demo's take away that risk for a consumer.

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