Talespin in Seagull's Twitch chat: "I joined a contenders team; I'm comin back"

I have played Tribes but the maps are way too big for my taste (I'm more of the Quake/Unreal type). That is where the comparison to Pharah falls apart. Tribes has giant open maps which makes positioning in the traditional sense irrelevant. It's a totally different game so I agree with you on that part.

I admit that I probably put too much stock into the things I have heard about Talespin and his Tribes background. I was mostly trying to use that as a comparison but it kinda further illustrates my point. We don't have any top tier Pharah players. We are talking about a dude from Tribes who didn't even play rocket based shit as one of the better players.

We need better Pharah play. Step it up coaches and let your players practice it seriously.

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