'Tankies' (socialists who think the USSR did nothing wrong) have come out of the woodwork on the socialist subreddit /r/BreadTube again. Here are some standout big brain takes

Better dead than red.

Our grandparents/ancestors may have fought against the axis but not all people got the same outcome.

Western standards are higher. Russia would of been an awful life of Catholicism, Tazars and famine then constriped into brutal war under equipped and cut off from European allies pre cold war then underwent heavy mobilization throughout the cold war.

Arguably there has been no better time than now to be living in Russia and its still rough.

Maybe people have nostalgia for a distant culture but in reality, it's the "when the sky was a bit more blue" type crap that never empirically amounted to anything substantial.

I might be a bit harsh and generalized but being from Canada, I cannot fathom why anyone would want that outcome.

/r/TopMindsOfReddit Thread Parent