"It's a tasteless joke. I think I can get offended by what I want, no?" [-46] "[...] most people dont even connect this joke to trans people" [+26]

Yeep, all of the commenters, and I mean all of them have recently posted in shit subreddits.

This chucklefuck likes /r/southpark and /r/leagueoflegends (which has been linked by SRS recently)

This brave soul channels vintage reddit with comments like:

Who I support is irrelevant to the facts here and are not in question, that in itself is a logical fallacy where you are attempting to attack my character rather than my argument (ad hominem).

in /r/atheism

This redditeur posts in /r/KotakuInAction

This idiot lacks subtlety:

Yeah, that's what I thought. Must be exhausting being a professional victim.

Is it transphobic, though? It seems more like it's poking fun at otherkin considering it's a different species and not a different gender.

This gentlesir enjoys switching between /r/TumblrInAction and /r/twoxchromosomes

And again, another idiot who lacks subtlety posts in /r/sjwhate with shit like this:

That's odd. SJWs never take things out of context, make shit up, or lie.

Because when you're a no-talent loser it's easier to cry vagina and bully others, than it is to do something for yourself.

So the moral of the story is, /r/eyebleach is a shit subreddit.

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