Tax Tuesday Thread for the week of January 31, 2017

Hi personalfinance! I'm confused about the difference in my take home pay and my reported wages. I'll keep it short and simple.

  • I filed (Single status) already online, but re-did some math and am left confused! I worked for ~6.5 months in CA this year, and 5.5 months in NY. I'm now a permanent resident in NY, state not city.

  • I have 2 exceptions (?), and I'm not sure why. When I started my job in 2014 it was recommended that way since I claimed my now-passed on mother as a dependent, but she passed in 2015 and I let my HR department know and to change accordingly.

  • I made roughly 40k, and the total tax and voluntary deductions (including my health insurance, and 401k) for 2016 off my pay add up to ~9,800. My take home was only 21k, which is a 19k+ difference from my total wages claimed on my W-2.

I can't account for the additional ~9,200 anywhere in any numbers given to me for my total taxes/deductions.

Any thoughts on where that number could come into play, outside of my listed state and federal income taxes, health insurance, disability, and (small) 401k?

  • When I did my taxes, I received a refund of $65 federal, $7 from CA, and owed $44 in NY. Those numbers also don't make a ton of sense to me but I'm more worried about the previous discrepancy.

Thank you to anyone who can explain/help!

/r/personalfinance Thread