Taylor sharing her Venmo/PayPal for educating white people.

I think throwing her venmo out there when people were idiotically harassing POC in BN to speak on Hannah B's actions on live would have been an entirely appropriate thing to do. It was not her job to have to react or respond to a privileged white woman's ignorance to educate the people reaching out.

However, in this case, literally 90% of the people I have on social media are posting about this, sharing educational resources, places to donate, instructions on where they'll be protesting, how to call your local politicians, etc. Taylor is was not called on as a token black person to speak on this issue, everyone is similarly shaken about what happened and is working actively to engage in the dialogue and create change. I don't see anything she's saying that's more valuable or insightful than what Rachel or others are doing.

Add to that the weird dynamic of impressionable fans donating to her venmo instead of the organizations doing actual work on the ground (rather than instagram advocacy, which is valuable, but at the moment one is clearly more critical) because of the sense of connection it makes them feel, the possibility of a shout-out etc (think of the masses venmo'ing the Quarantine Crew just because they were "entertained"), and it just detracts from the cause to make it about herself. I understand compensating black people, LGBTQ people, POC for their emotional labour, but this is such a unique moment in time and her, a relatively well-off influencer, asking to be venmo'd for her emotional labour in this climate is a bad look imo.

/r/thebachelor Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it