Taylor Swift Goes 'Full Retard'

My point was, when someone is coming out and saying they are for equality, the knee-jerk reaction shouldn't be to immediately slam them and throw them in with a bunch of hateful fake feminists.

Well it's like I said. You believe feminism is about "Equality between the sexes".

So did Mary Koss, researcher who erased male victims from existence and told her colleagues not to call what happened to them "rape" as it wasn't appropriate according to her. No feminist ever spoke out against this.

Emma Watson as well. She sold it as "Equal rights between the sexes" and latched on to an organization that only calls for men as a whole to support women's issues ONLY. (#heforshe)

Feminist special interest groups lobbied for The Duluth Model of Domestic Violence and Primary Aggressor Laws that called for the arrest of the man in a domestic violence situation. Even when it turns out HE'S the victims and SHE's the perpetrator. These laws are still in place.

Feminist special interest groups pushed for special programs and support for girls in the school system when it turned out, with research staring them in the fucking FACE, that boys were struggling equally as well. To this day, you bring up boys failing in the education system, it's passed off as only a "Minority Boy" problem while white boys are doing just fine.

N.O.W., one of THE largest feminist organizations in the states, protested against Shared Parenting laws that would make courts more objective when deciding child custody in divorce cases instead of defaulting to the mother as better caregiver. They believed it would allow abusive fathers to game the system when they ignored the fact that any serious evidence that the caregiver is a danger to kids that those Shared Parenting will be null and void. Funny isn't it? Feminists criticizing fathers for not even trying to be in a child's life while fighting laws like this designed to answer their concerns.

"It's about equality between the sexes" = Harassing a scientist into apolgising for a shirt he wore.

"It's about equality between the sexes" = Getting two male tech workers fired over a "Dongle Joke" shared privately between them that was overheard.

"It's about equality between the sexes" = Calling every white man privileged over women and that their problems are nothing since they rule the world

"It's about equality between the sexes" = Complaining about men spreading their legs on public transit.

Get the idea?


"No, trauma is not a contest, it's an awful thing that everyone should be able to agree is awful, trying to downplay the subject at hand is tacky and I see both sides do it regularly."

One side not only downplays but, as per the example of Mary Koss and those groups I pointed out, actively goes out of their way to cover up the other side as if they don't exist. And you're actually SURPRISED about "But men too?".

"However, if someone is raking you through the coals for raising your issues because they feel they are less important or invalid because of your gender, that person isn't being a "feminist" that person is being a sexist jerk."

Again, YOUR definition along with Taylor Swift and Emma Watson:

"Equality between the sexes".

Maybe you should've called for a stricter definition.

/r/MensRights Thread Parent Link - youtube.com