TD Ameritrade Announces $0 Stock, ETF, Options Trades


active traders


over the last 30 years.

We're really not talking about the same thing or comparing apples to apples. Fido does some things really well and others better than anyone. They're better for passive investing than just about anyone else. For active traders, though, they're not even top 5, IMO.

my treading tutor trades their etfs actively

I never said you or your trading tutor can't trade their ETFs actively. That's not at all the point. You said they were the best, I asked how; I didn't ask if you could.

So, this convo has taught me that you don't really have a lot to offer to the discussion. I'll just end here with a final reiteration that Fido is excellent at passive investing, moderately good at active trading. And that's it.


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