Teach EM’ young I was told... she’s 14 1/2 with her permit. Very eager to learn how to do these things. I’m very willing to teach and let her learn.

I can't express how valuable this is. Both for independence and safety! My dad made sure to teach me things like this so that I would never have to depend on anyone.

On the safety side - right as hurricane Harvey was coming in I ran to HEB to grab water and some canned goods. The rain hadn't started yet so I thought it would be okay. As I was pulling out of my parking spot one of the employees gathering carts waved me down and let me know my rear passenger side tire was flat. At this point the rain had started coming down really hard. I didn't have anyone nearby that I could call for help. I pulled in under the gas station canopy, changed it myself, and made it back to my apartment safely.

/r/Cartalk Thread Link - v.redd.it