Teach me to Gank (with cyclops)

this..... as SOON as you hit lvl 4 and mid is all good, gank a sidelane that needs help/has an easy kill and get that gold crab... then go back to mid, clear the lane and repeat (dont forget to jungle but of course MINIONS FIRST).. which is why its very important for the mid laner to hit lvl 4 asap

this is where learning to pan the camera to where you wanna go/see whats goin on really helps and just improves your gameplay overall

what also helps is getting super aggressive against enemy mid laner.. if you can... literally get in their face and try to get their health low enough for them to recall or miss some minions (i immediately go to hide in the mid bush when the game starts and wait for them to start attackin their minions then i get in their face)... of course be careful not to get ganked yourself or put yourself in a position where YOU have to recall (if enemy mid has help, i go retreat and go straight to green jungle and kill that first, then minions, then buff, then maybe minions again depending)... hopefully youll hit lvl 4 first, you gank/help first and put your team in better positions

hopefully i made sense haha

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