Teacher tries to stop lecture followed by awkward rejection.

There are two sides to this story:

-One says that your financial status is mostly due to your own life choices.

-The other says that enverionment plays a bigger role and that we should tackle the problem at its source.

I think the second is right. But don't take my word for it, look it for yourself on statistics regarding social mobility.

You will see that most people born poor will die poor. Same for the rich and the middle class.

Of course, on a individual basis this isn't always the case, but that is overall rule and almost no society ever strayed from it.

Now that the arguments are out of the way, I am going to make a slight ad hominem here:

Look at the user above you's history comments and see for yourself how he obsesses over skin color.

That's what happens when you try to make sense of the lack of mobility. You try to group people by race or region so you won't admit the system is rigged. For the user above you, it makes more sense to say it's a ""cultural"" issue rather than an economic one, no matter how nonsensical that sounds.

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