Teachers kill reading

I loved reading from an early age but never enjoyed English class in high school because it felt like it was not about reading but about busywork... I remember doing so many group assignments, posters, collages or random essays comparing movies to books which I am 99% sure were inspired by budget shortages (e.g. write an essay how Macbeth parallels Bend it Like Beckham, one of the only movies the school owns a DVD of?!)... We also just did not read enough, and because of the slow pace and all the little "projects", I felt we were belaboured with assignments and if I was stuck on a book I was not enjoying, I had to be stuck with it for SO LONG, constantly churning out random pointless homework... on the flip side, I remember how in Grade 6, our teacher read us books that were fun or good stories (e.g. sci-fi like the Tripods series or The Chrysalids) and then asked us if we liked it, and why or why not... and the few posters/collages we had, looking back, were probably more appropriate since we were just in Grade 6... and in University, it was more like a book club, you read books and then listened to the prof lecture on why it is a good book and had a chance to discuss things or ask questions and handed in your essay/wrote an exam and that's it, again, there were no endless assignments or group projects or posters... and because there was only a couple of essays, it was actually fun writing them because they included real and interesting questions that gave you a chance to explore a book in more depth.

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