Teachers of Reddit, how are you feeling about doing in-person classes right now?

I'm in a slightly different situation. I'm a graduate student who TAs for a chemistry program. Our school is going full steam ahead. We are having in person classes, albeit much smaller. But the people making these decisions ... they haven't been in our labs. It isn't possible to teach socially distanced labs with how the rooms are set up.

Before this started, I was teaching a full size class of an upper level course. This full size class was at half capacity for the space (as it can also accommodate lower level courses with more students). It was not possible for me to socially distance at half capacity. And I was trying!

I am not happy about this. The school does not provide us insurance, they say it will not be possible to demonstrate if we got COVID from a student and will not provide us workman's comp, and has not mentioned any ways they will protect us.

We had an outbreak at the beginning of July related to a local set of bars our undergrads frequently visit. It doesn't matter what rules are put in place in the academic buildings if they can go to bars, go to frat parties, and congregate outside of class.

On top of this, we are the guinea pigs for every implementation of a new phase. And I'm just so sick of it.

/r/AskReddit Thread