Teaching 5 year old kids about sexualities is wrong

Why should homosexuality be censored from little kids, but not heterosexuality? All those disney and princess movies expose kids to the idea of love without anything even remotely sexual, right? Doesn't seeing their mom and dad show affection for each other inform them of basic notions of affection and relationships, in a family appropriate manner? What is the difference between a man kissing his wife on the cheek versus a man kissing his husband on the cheek?

Any non-straight sexuality is as sexual or non sexual as heterosexuality... it is completely dependant on context. If it is deemed appropriate for a child to realize that a man and a woman can love each other, there is no reason a man and a man or a woman and a woman can't...

It should simply be normalized for children to realize that they should feel no shame for "liking" or "disliking" one gender or another. It's ludicrous to think that we should teach them heterosexuality is the one and only "way" until they turn some arbitrary age.

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