Teaching remotely

I could not imagine coming back from maternity leave to this break. Luckily you get extra time with your little one!

Unfortunately we do not have 1:1 and will not have this for at least 5 years.

In the mean time we have to copy 3 weeks of work for over 700 kids in our building.

Not to mention K is 1/2 day, our plan is after our AM kids leave for the day, and we have a meeting before school.

Please tell me when I’m supposed to copy?

I can’t leave 24 kindergarteners in a room unattended with no aide... Nor do I have an aide I can send to run copies.

( Not to mention over 1/3 of my kids are ELL, Over 50% are low SES, and I have multiple students with intensive behavior plans).

/r/Teacher Thread Parent