The Team Fortress 2 Jungle Inferno Update is now Live!

Controller players, if you've been playing Team Fortress 2 with anything other than a Steam Controller, this is the end for you. Valve has made it impossible for players with controllers to play the game now. The in-game controller options have been completely disabled now, so any attempt to bind controls or adjust sensitivity using the options menu won't work. The controller is completely dictated by the Steam Controller and Steam Big Picture mode now, and if you try to play the game with, say, an Xbox controller, you'll find that the D-pad is hyper sensitive, there's no buttons to jump or crouch, and the sensitivity you're forced to play with is so slow and stiff that you're game is basically fucked if there's a Scout on the other team.

Don't even try to look for help on the Steam Community forum, because not only have most conventional options already been discussed, tried, and failed, there's a shit-ton of toxicity against controller players from mouse+keyboard warriors as well. The best and only option now is to hope for an update that restores the original controller options pre-Jungle Inferno. Otherwise, that's it. Pack your bags and go find a new video game to play, because that's basically what Valve's telling it's non-Steam Controller players in this update.

/r/Steam Thread Link -