Team killing

I've never seen this before, but it is perfect! Great link.

  1. Players should endeavor to make characters that are reasonably useful to the party in a mechanical sense, reasonably acceptable to the party in a roleplaying sense, and reasonably compatible in playstyle.
  2. Players should not optimize their characters or tactics beyond the capacity of the DM to produce reasonable encounters and antagonists, or beyond the capacity of other players to meaningfully contribute.
  3. The DM is to provide dynamic, active, and challenging encounters for the players, and should seek to maintain player engagement as much as possible in the encounter, usually and in most cases by ensuring that no character is effectively removed from all or most of the combat.
  4. Players are expected to comply with such railroading as may be essential to a smooth game. The DM is not to use excessive railroading.
  5. The DM should familiarize himself with the rules as much as practical, and when a rapid decision is necessary for smooth play, should consider revisiting that after the session to be sure it's correct and sensible; houserules should be used with care.
  6. Neither players nor DM are to use inherent flaws in the rules to break the game.
  7. Players are expected to avoid providing the DM with easy hooks with which to render their characters irrelevant. The DM is allowed to use any of these hooks so long as they are not mandatory class features, but only a few times, unless the character has already had ample opportunity to develop reasonable protections for them.
  8. Players should be allowed to define and control their characters in all ways for the most part, barring such interactions as the DM or group may consider unfitting for the world or the game; likewise, the DM defines and controls NPCs, even those the player characters may be closely connected to, subject to reasonable suggestions.
  9. A reasonable effort should be put forward by each player and the DM to accurately present their own desires and expectations for the game and to understand the others' expectations and desires of the same; compromise may often be necessary to make the game fun for all.
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