Team Liquid vs. EDward Gaming / 2018 World Championship - Group C / Post-Match Discussion

Are you kidding me? Don’t underestimate Team Liquid any day. In the top lane you have Impact, world renown top laner for his tank prowess and being passable at gangplank. Then you have Xmithie, a native veteran coming in so hot that Team Liquid hastily rule out ice based champion Sejuani and in exchange goes for top jungler Gragas! Then you have Pobelter, known for his role in insane 200 IQ outplays and is easily top 10 NA mid, being saved from the 10th spot by the the one, the only, Pobelter. As ADC you have the NA Superstar Doubelift who feels as if using flash at worlds is beneath him and that LCS wasn't a stage worth taking seriously until Summer 2015. Then you have Olleh, Spring split 3rd NA LCS All-pro superstar and the first ever support to ever bench himself at MSI and who makes supporting Doublelift look so fucking hard dude! Then you have V1per, somewhere in Korea holding down the fort wondering why Riven is harder in Korean Soloq but is ready to sub in at a moments notice with his world renown pocket picks like Riven, Riven and Riven. Don’t you fucking sleep on them.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread