Team Mystic meeting look at this shit

Doing the math on this.

These players are ranging from level 37-39

Level 37 requires 9.5mil exp total

Level 38 requires 12mil exp total

Level 39 requires 15mil exp total

As of right now the game has been out since it's earliest release date ( July 6th ) 30 days total. Not taking into account days when the servers were down.

Assuming best case senario you would need to gain the listed exp below per day depending on the level:

37: 317k exp per day

38: 400k exp per day

39: 500k exp per day

Assuming you had a lucky egg proccec at all times this would mean per day:

Lvl 37

3,170 pokestops


793 pokemon caught with excellent throws every time


317 evolved Pokemon.

Lvl 38

4,000 pokestops


1,000 pokemon caught with excellent throws every time


400 evolved Pokemon.

Lvl 49

5,000 pokestops


1,250 pokemon caught with excellent throws every time


500 evolved Pokemon.

Again this would have to be done every day. Unfortunately gyms are a little harder to calculate. But ya get the jist of why these are guaranteed bots.

/r/PokemonGOValor Thread Link -