Team Nuzlocke

I thought I'd just PM you so we can keep this going without subjecting everyone else to it lol.

So we already have everyone who wants to do this on board. As far as avoidance goes....we have all made decisions to avoid tumblr, reddit, ect that has posts that reveal those things. The one thing I'm worried about are YouTube videos that have spoilers in the thumbnails. For example, I'm watching Joey and Shofu do a nuzlocke race of x and y and I'm afraid the commentary may reveal some things about sun and moon, but I mainly just watch smash bros videos on there anyway so I should be ok.

And yes, we can equip berries to help in battle, but no "man made" healing items can be used besides outside of battle.

I'm trying to remember the rest of your comment lol. Uuuummmm I'll talk to them about the 3 roll rule, it was mainly just so we can experience as many new pokemon as we can, not to make it easier on ourselves. We want a challenge but we still want to experience as much of the game as possible.

Honestly I'm hoping we have only new gen pokemon, and they give us enough for a new region (like 100-150) and not a handful like in x and y. But we'll have to wait and see.

If you want to participate let me know. We might need to have another person in addition to you so we can still maintain teams sharing starters. I plan on updating the subreddit with our adventures though.

I hope I answered everything from your comment. If I missed something it's because I can't see your comment while writing this up haha.

Thanks for replying! I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in what we are doing so I appreciate you taking the time to give a response to this

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