Team Vitality have completed their 2020 LEC roster, promoting jungler Skeanz to the starting lineup and adding mid laner Milica and AD carry Comp

Dude, who? like, the problem with NA isnt recycling talent. Its server size. We dont have as many young competitive players as any other region, and giving academy level players spots on a lcs team will do nothing but show how truly dogshit our talent pool is.

like look at soligo, the dude was stomping academy so 100t decided to give him a chance and the dude was easily one of, if not the worst mids that split.

There are some exceptions, like Fakegod. But the dude is nowhere near as good as ssumday so 100t cant really use him. Another exception would be Licorice, but that we get talented players like that maybe once every other year. Meanwhile in LCK theres a brand new superstar every month (Chovy, Doran, Nuguri, Showmaker, Tarzan) because of server size. Same goes for LEc, triple our server size so no wonder they are able to produce over triple the amount of talent we have.

Its not a problem of infrastructure, or ping, or players not getting chances. Its just a numbers game. bigger region = more/better talent. And unfortunately, our would be talent cares far more about fortnite than league

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