Teammates are Holding me Back

Honestly you look exactly like a low Gold/Silver player from your video. Post a full game in /r/rocketleagueanalysis, video on youtube will increase the chance of a response, and so will not being a douchebag. Your strategy and decision making is far more important than your "freestyles" and "air dribbles", and it probably sucks if you're trying that in ranked.

Yes your teammates suck. So do you, and so do your opponents. Stop worrying so much about your teammates, and focus more on what you can do better. You'll hinder your progress a lot if you spend your time blaming your teammates instead of looking at your own mistakes and trying to fix them.

Even if you don't post a game, which you won't, search that sub for other gold analysis, follow along with the criticism, accept you don't know much, and try and learn.

/r/RocketLeague Thread