Techies suicides, Bloodseeker credited for the kill?

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Here is your summary:

Radiant WINS 40-24 @ 41 minutes


Hero Name Level KDA Gold LH/D XPM GPM HD TD
Juggernaut 22 3/6/12 2.9k 229/19 633 548 9.3k 5.2k
WitchDo 21 14/5/9 3.9k 108/12 583 451 13k 976
Pudge 25 15/6/13 491 157/4 792 566 18k 922
Techies 20 8/6/7 487 125/0 523 410 11k 457
VengefulSp 11 0/7/4 1.6k 11/4 155 195 384 365


Hero Name Level KDA Gold LH/D XPM GPM HD TD
Nature'sPr 19 3/6/14 5.8k 255/0 507 509 7.3k 2.2k
Bloodseeker 19 6/8/4 1.1k 198/3 501 467 7.8k 201
TrollWa 20 4/9/5 575 179/5 546 388 7.7k 128
StormSp 18 7/10/7 717 76/5 450 310 8.1k 90
CentaurWa 15 4/8/8 1.7k 92/2 328 270 7k 0

maintained by s505. code. dotabuff / dotamax Match Date: 2/4/2015, 22:10

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