TEDx speaker says, ‘pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation’

I think it could be true that being a pedophile isn’t exactly under their control, perhaps they can’t help the feelings of sexual attraction. But that really doesn’t mean we need to look at it ‘compassionately’, or that we must think of it as ‘natural’. Technically, genetic abnormalities are natural too (because mutation is ‘natural’) but we don’t say being born missing fingers is ‘as natural’ as being born with all ten.

People with Narcissistic personality disorder, or sadists, or psychopaths also don’t have total control over ‘what they are’ and we certainly don’t approach these things with great compassion/understanding. They should be able to seek psychiatric treatment to control their feelings and manage the problem (and perhaps chemical castration, if they want that and it makes their lives easier), but that doesn’t mean we need to look at their orientation as anything like heterosexuality or homosexuality.

There is a difference between providing assistance and examining an issue with sympathy vs trying to call every human experience natural and equal.

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