Teenage boys: how can we make their transition to adulthood easier?

I also am concerned about how we treat teen boys. I watched my Armenian neighbor bring up his sons with lots of affection. Even at 12, they’d get cuddled by him. Even if they had company. I’m thinking we have to start doing this EARLIER for boys. They need an environment where they normalize love and affection between them and their fathers.

I’m 66f gay and childless, but most of my encounters with teen boys have been really positive. I take interest in what they love, I provide a positive reflection of who they are and I encourage them when they are down. I’m a freelance grandma basically.

My best friend has a 16 yo son and we are bffs. He tells me he loves me before I say it. But, I’ve taken an active role in enjoying his passion which is Anime. I’ve watched all of Attack on Titan & we’re starting a new show soon. I do not love Anime myself. But, I will watch whatever he wants to watch bc it’s a way we can connect. And it MEANS SOMETHING TO HIM. His mother does the same thing. I believe the reaching out, the assurance, the taking an interest in his passions are for the adults to do. Both parents but, if you’re a single parent you can still set your son up for feeling safe and loved no matter what.

/r/MensLib Thread