Teenage Mombie Wants 7 Kids

Universal healthcare is not an automatic solution and I’m so sick of seeing people talk about it as if it is.

Government healthcare isn’t a free for all. You won’t automatically be granted access to treatment just because you are citizen. They can, and do, put stipulations on things to reduce costs. If you’re obese or smoke and need surgery, you’re SOL until you quit or lose weight: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/society/2016/nov/29/nhs-patients-told-to-lose-weight-and-quit-smoking-or-face-operation-delays

I’m not saying that UH doesn’t have potential merit. I am saying blindly giving the government full authority over healthcare can be just as problematic as private healthcare. No system is perfect, and every system has the potential to be corrupted.

Given the establishment government’s ties to Big Pharma (On both sides of the aisle, btw), it is exceptionally foolish to believe that UH will make things better. Giving an already corrupt government full power over healthcare would be a total disaster. Most of the politicians promoting UH stand to profit immensely from it via backdoor deals.

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