Teenagers of reddit, what have you always wanted to ask an adult and get an honest answer too?

I didn't make very many friends in high school. I had, like, my one best friend, and a few other girls I was on friendly enough terms with to eat lunch but never saw after school, but that was it. Years later, I went to my reunion and realized they were all lovely people who I'd be friends with today if we still lived near each other (I now live out of the country), and the issue at the time was with me, not with them.

Shy isn't the right word for what I was then- I talk quite a lot- but withdrawn definitely is applicable. It never occurred to me for example to actually invite someone to go do something- never told anyone at school who I wanted to know better "hey, want to hang out at the mall and go catch a movie?" for example. Now of course I know that was silly, and it's not a huge shocker that I never got invites if I never extended them myself, but that just wan't my thought process at the time.

I grew since then, and am nowhere as withdrawn as I was, and I have enough friends to make me happy. But I am jealous when I see my brother and sister with all their friends from high school who they're still in touch with, because one important detail about friendship you don't realize as a teenager is how wonderful older friends are who remember you and your life from different periods. My brother and sister have this in spades, and I just... don't.

/r/AskReddit Thread