Teens caught on cell phone video jumping valley mother

Why do people with zero life experiences chime in on shit like this?

No. That's almost never the case. The parents who were busting ass with two minimum wage jobs have an extremely high correlation with giving a shit about their kids. Yeah they might not be angels, but they are not this type of dysfunctional. Kids who's parents give a fuck about them enough to hold down two jobs do not turn into this at age 12-13.

The meme of "oh those poor people!" needs to stop. Plenty of folks keep their head down in the ghetto and should be admired for their work ethic and sacrifice in the face of a mountain of adversity. But it's always assholes conflating the hard ass work some people do as if they are the same fuckheads as you see in these types of videos and it's downright goddamned offensive.

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