"Why do we tell adults what they can put in their bodies?" - Gary Johnson

I don't understand why you would pick the one point of legalization to pick apart from my argument. So the guy openly states he wants a template of government similar to ones in Europe and South America where we TREAT drug addiction (which is the more important part of the argument to me) and focus on the issue of wasteful government spending on the war on drugs. I guess I over generalized when I said legalized drugs. I don't think it's rational to legalize heroine or cocaine and when he talks about legalization and decriminalization I assume that most folks don't want to buy crack cocaine at the local market whereas i assume most folks are starting not to give a shit if you can buy a plant. Marijuana is the tipping point. It's what opens the conversation for further gains. But to start the conversation with we should all be able to smoke crack then you won't get anywhere. Right or wrong. I'm seriously kinda blown away that some of you guys want to see outright legalization and development of some of those drugs lol on a corporate level. Sorry dudes, when I brought up legalization it was within the constraints of "normal" political discourse. I am not of the stance that we should have those drugs available through legal sources because we basically already do in pharmaceuticals, and they kill, often and regularly.

/r/Libertarian Thread Link - imgur.com