Tell, don't ask

Yes. It raises a lot of good points but the examples a bit meh.

I was thinking about how this...

$invoicedAmount = new Money(50, new Currency('CHF'));
$paidAmount = new Money(50, new Currency('CHF'));

if ($invoicedAmount->getAmount() === $paidAmount->getAmount() && 
    $invoicedAmount->getCurrency()->getCode() === $paidAmount->getCurrency()->getCode()
) {
    // do something

...seems a bit procedural itself and could be refactored to only doing one check.

$invoicedAmount = new Money(50, new Currency('CHF'));
$paidAmount = new Money(50, new Currency('CHF'));

if ($invoicedAmount->getAmount() === $paidAmount->getAmount())
) {
    // do something

Currency differences can be dealt with in the Money class.

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