I temporary broke contact with a woman I got very close to despite being in a marriage and I can't seem to handle missing her.

Sadly the issues we face are more so rooted in other difficult topics combined with this other person. I'm well aware that people online exist only in a vacuum, I would know since my first long term relationship also started as a 1.5 year only situation.

My decision for potentially moving on from this relationship should, and will be based on if I need to be by myself, not if I want to be with this other person. She can't be a deciding factor in what I decide to do with my future. This whole situation does add to it but it would be out of principle and not because of a specific person. If that makes any sense.

Sadly, she herself has not explored yet in the last 1.5 year and that's precisely what I wished she would've done. Because now it's still extremely uncertain what she even wants or needs. ):

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