Tens of thousands attend anti-Netanyahu rally in Tel Aviv

The "Central Bankers" have been the driving force behind Political Zionism from the beginning. Indeed, Theodor Herzl's Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), often called the "founding document" of the Zionist Movement was originally titled "Address to the Rothschilds" referring to the Rothschild family banking dynasty", and the Rothschilds and thier banking pals remained the driving force that literally WILLED the bastard child known as the State of Israel into existence.

This was the original "Zionist Dream": A secular political State for the Jews - to prevent their extinction - but the primary threat facing emancipated Jewry was not persecution, pogroms or Holocaust, it was ASSIMILATION: The fear that the recently emancipated Jews would cease to exist as a "peculiar people", simply vanishing by interbreeding with the Gentiles, disappearing forever into the mongrelized masses.

This was not driven by religion or "faith" - indeed, Herzl, Ben-Gurion and many of the most prominent early Zionists were avowed athiests. No, this was about the preservation of the "Jewish race", to use Herzl's own terminology.

Bringing the Zionist Dream to fruition was no easy feat: They did not have access to the land, which was then ruled by the Ottoman Empire (who rebuffed their generous overtures); they did not have the backing or sympathy of world political powers; and most importantly, they DID NOT have the backing of common Jews, most of whom were perfectly happy, living relatively successful lives the nations where they dwelt.

Overcoming these obstacles was NOT a simple matter. It took two World Wars and several major revolutions to enable the Zionists to gain access to the real estate, and THEN to FORCE millions of stubborn Jews to move to Palestine.

The history of Zionism in the first half of the 20th Century is a dirty, underhanded, backstabbing and bloody business that required the reshaping of the political landscape of much of Europe, Asia and all of the Middle East, and cost the lives of millions of people, Jew and Gentile alike.

The dirtiest secret of "The Holocaust" is the cooperation, both open and covert, between Zionists and Nazi leaders to FORCE as many Jews as possible to flee their lives and livelihoods in Europe, and into the waiting arms of the Zionists in Palestine - where their presence was desperately needed to form the population base required for a viable JEWISH State.

Were it not for the Nazi persecution of the Jews 1933-1945, the Zionist dream would have FAILED, as the population of Jews in Palestine would have been too few to maintain and defend the conquest.

As for the Rothschilds and their Central Banker buddies, they remain keenly interested in Israel - as is evidenced by the fact that this "shittly little country" is able to rape, murder and plunder those that they brutally occupy with ZERO negative repercussions from the nations of the world that are themselves in the death-grip of the Central Banking Cartel.

But again, it is important to note that Zionist interests are NOT and never have been aligned with the interests of most Jews, who are simply suckers for the agenda of the elite ruling class.

/r/worldpolitics Thread Link - haaretz.com