Tens of thousands of people marched in Paris to revoke same-sex marriage today

I'm Christian, I think the Bible does call it sin, and yet I do not believe we should be trying to legislate morality. We can agree that harming others needs to be avoided, but morality is the attempt to live fairly. What we do is sin, I believe, if not done in faith, but there is no righteousness outside of being forgiven by God. He gave us free will. It is up to each person to live out that free will to be approved by God, or there is no one to answer to but one another.

The best way to approach life is to love one another, to live toward others as you would want them to live toward you. I do not want to restrict the freedom God gave anyone unless it is to prevent harm. Preventing sin is the job of the spirit of God. We are here to tend to one another with care.

Notice that I am not judging individuals but actions, and when I do judge an action I look inward. I am responsible for my own conduct and to the needs of others as my own. I'm not here to police the conduct of others.

There is a way to disagree with the actions of others without wishing they lose their freedom. I want what is truly best for each person I come into contact with. Not necessarily what I think is best.

Christianity is not the enemy. At least not as far as I'm concerned.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - pinknews.co.uk