That tenure makes them real bold

You're just framing the argument to make it look fucked up.

What the guy was saying is that we're taking one value, "marriage between man and women", and saying no to it. We are actively saying that that value no longer matters and is outdated.

The idea is that if we can take that value and toss it, how many other values can we take and toss out? Well, one of societal values is that people and animals shouldn't be fucking.

Currently the argument against that faulty logic, that gay marriage could lead to bestiality, is that the animal cannot give consent.

But the same argument could be said for consent- that is a current societal value that, like the previous values about marriage, can be tossed out.

Now, I don't know if that perspective is right or wrong. But basically just imagine if someone went and told you that rape was perfectly okay and that consent is bullshit.

You wouldn't even think about it- you'd immediately berate or run from any jackass that told you that.

Do you see the picture now? the big picture? The fact is, you're not going to just suddenly let go of your values. When you people cry "homophobe!" I laugh my ass off because one day, it might be your values and your beliefs that are given one of those labels.

And while you think you're in the right history moves totally against you.

Personally, I think that the slippery slope argument made is very bullshit. But at the same time you can't deny what it's trying to convey- that we as a society are saying that we can take any value we have and toss it out.

Don't call it something it isn't. He's not comparing gay men to animals. It goes at least a few orders of magnitude away from that.

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