Teramorth, the west-world of the Shadow World

The Provinces and it's people:

\-Aldrimea: The land where the first Elves were born by Alriel, the principal god of the Elf Pantheon, and where the High Elves live. They're arrogant and egocentrics, they think they're the children of the gods. When the desert of Babylonnia was the tropical forest with the tree Yggdrassil, they were imortals. But after the Old War, with the Elder Gods against the Old Ones, the holy tree burned down and the Elves lost their immortality.

\-Babylonnia: Once the home of the greatest Babylonnic Empire, today is just a desert with ruins of cities and towns. Uruk, the greatest city that ruled the west world, is lost in the sands and, probably, forgotten forever. It's people, the Babyllonians, disappeared, like ashes in the wind. The entire province is now a Neutral Zone, none of the nations have influence in this land.

\-Latinae/Imperia: The homeland of the Latinos, or the Imperials of today. In the first years of the Gods' Era, this land were the home of the First Empire of Men, ruled by Rolaf Thronio, the first and last Emperor of this dynasty. With the Helm of Damnation, he ruled all the province, but when he got mad and beggined to use necromancy, the mankind decided to kill him and seal his body in the Tomb of the Old Emperors. All the province was cursed and the Latinos were forced to exit from their homeland. Just in the last years of the Gods' Era, Thane Vectorium I and the Heros of the Old Times defeated again the profane Emperor and claimed the province for his people. Today this province is the hearth of the Second Empire of the Men and it's capital is the Imperial City.

\-Skyfall is the snownland of the Dawrves and Nords, masters of the forge. Both the races worked together to build a strong nation, with masters craftsmen. They built the Great Forge, inside the Peak of the World, the biggest montain of the world. The Nords are pround of their ancestors that built the First Empire of Manking, even if this Empire was the most cruel of all.

\-Brettannia: The isles that are the homeland of the Brettons, one of the Races of Men that are masters of the Naval War. The founder of this kingdom was Arthur Pendragon, the ancient hero that had the Excalibur. He and his 12 Knights founded the capital of Brettannia, Londor, that is the most advanced technologically, with his naval army the most powerfull of the world. The actual queen is Victoria II, the Great, and the legendary sword Excalibur is lost since Arthur's death.

\-Afrikae: The savanas that gave birth to the Afrikanes, a traditionalist people of men. If you first look at them, they're mos "primitive" of all Races of Men, but their soldiers and Shamans are the strongest of all races. Their traditions and culture gave them an unique conection with the Planet's Nucle, the source of all magic of the world. They know the most efficient medicine techniques and they're the only mortals that can talk with the dead without necromancy. Their capital is Stad.

\-Arabbiae: The richest of all kingdoms of Mankind, the Arabbes are experts of trades, mathematics and masters of enchantment. They have the biggest territory with all gemstones of the world and all trade roads pass in their territory, giving them advantage of tolls. Their soldiers are as disciplined as the Imperial Legion. They don't have a single king, but three leaders: A Sultan, the political leader; A Califa, the religiouse leader;and a Grand Vizir, the economic leader. Their Capital is Hikma.

\-Germannia: The home of the Germannes, they have the best and old army of the Races of Man, and the best beer of course. They work as hard as the Arabbes and have a good population of mages. They have a big affinity with the magic, almost all the Arch-Mages, the biggest rank in the Mages' College of Londor and the guardian of the Mortal Realm, were Germannes, the exception was Zarid, the most powerfull and annoying mage of all time, and Murlok, the Orc that's the current Arch-Mage. Their capital is Sichern.

\-Lignumae: This place has the most alive forest of the continent, the home of the Wood Elves. The experts of hunt, they kill anyone that want to hurt the forest. This land is unique, with walking trees and some unique and magic races of the world, like the Ninfes, Gorgons, Nintrees and others. Their homes are made inside the unnatural big trees and their bows are the best of all world. Their capital is Darkwood.

\-Orcnnia: This land is the newest of all nations. The Orcs, a barbaric people that used to be nomad, lived there with the approval of the Germannia Government. They have a unique trace: the Berserkers, warriors with the fury of the god of war and blood Ogrimae, the Warrior. They can't stop fighting untill their head is separate from their body, at last it's what the legends tell. They don't have a capital, their WarChief is chosen by a reunion of all Tribal Chiefs. The current Warchief is from the tribe Hellsteal.

\-Dragonnia: Is a vulcanic land and it has the best ore of the west-world, the Draconnium, a dark-silver metal that can't be broken, but it's hard and expensive to work with and just the Great Forge of Skyfall can make possible for this metal be work in any weapon or armor. Excalibur and the Helm of Damnation are made of this metal. This land is ruled by the Dragonborns, humanoids borned by the love of a Dragon and a Mortal and the only ones that can survive in this land of fire. Their breaths are powerfulls and their scales are as hard as a full plate armor. Their capital is Drak'Omae.

\-Krazil Isles: This isles of Rain Forests are the homeland of the Keidrans, canid-humanoid race that are divided in: Wolves, Foxes and Jackals. They don't have a central-government like the nations of the Continent, they have City-States that ruled their own territory, but the Big Three: Queatzalcoatl City, Tagnibá CIty and Meirim City are the strongest ones. The bigger island has the big part of Silver Deposits of the west-world, the right island has Gold Deposits and the left island has the monopoly of a plant named Coffee.
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