The term Sleep Anxiety is not bringing up much results. What is the correct medical term?

Hi OP so SleepAnxietyIssues (SAX) or disorder happens where we begin to combine into our sleep .... especially at the inception of sleep ...

we begin to combine the signals of/for inception of sleel cycle to begin ... instead of good restful sleep we begin combining with sleep anxiety ...

SAX is maybe possible a generic term of art but during sleep this strong profound "anxiety" begins to combine with "normal" inception of sleep ...

suddenly it becomes nosleep plus

profound anxiery ....

what makes this even worse is the combinaing of sleep (relaxtion) with anxiety (arousal) with adtenaline and cortisol to keep to nosleep person very tired but wide awake.

No SAX is a very real term and much accompaning anxiety attached to it!

Thank you

/r/sleep Thread