Terminal Stage 4 Cancer Tesla Model 3 reservation holder with 3-4 months to live got his Model 3 delivered today

I'm 10 years younger than that man and I'm still a little amazed at what has happened in my lifetime. I remember black and white televisions, phones with dials and AM radio still being fairly common as a child. There were no computers, our parents bought us encyclopedias if we were lucky. A car driving itself around was beyond the sci-fi available to us back then. All the time new things come out and I think that's as advanced as we are going to get and I am always wrong. 10 years after I'm dead they'll probably cure whatever it was I died from but at least I got to see all of this in my lifetime.

My great-grandparents had an outhouse. It's a small structure outside to poop in, since they didn't have running water where they lived. Although the plumbing was installed later they still kept that outhouse in the yard for the rest of their life, just to remind themselves how far they'd come and to terrify their great-grandchildren, apparently. 60 years from now I guess people will just have internet enabled brain implants with 12K hi-def video built in and wonder how they ever lived without it. The future is some crazy stuff, no matter what year you look at it from.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com