This is terrible...

Yeesh, you seem to have some insecurities. And no, Sweden really doesn't. I'd be like pointing at SA to prove my point. (I'm not). It's a really big logical fallacy. But I'm glad you're proud of yourself for it. (Also, I think you're being too hard on Sweden; we can find much more oppression and self destructive policies elsewhere. They're still cucks though).

I'm not sure what it is I'm rejecting; I'm all for trying encourage everyone living here to embrace American values. I just also acknowledge that we have plenty of data of what groups support, if we bring over large amounts of those groups, we're going to get more of what they support.

It takes time to unlearn and cast aside the old country, time we're not allowing, and propaganda pushing for otherwise.

(Seriously, I hope you're a teen or some such. That last line was very cringe.)

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