Terrified all the time...

Seek help. Ive been there- I couldn't bring myself to go outside. I avoided talking to people about it because I didn't want to bother them. You don't want to live a life in fear.

It's easier said than done, but try to think positively. Talk yourself out of the paranoia. Start becoming aware when these thoughts arise and label them as negative thoughts. When you feel it coming on, take 5 minutes to take slow, deep, diaphragm breaths. Try immersing yourself in activities you enjoy. Talk to someone - places like 7 Cups of Tea have online and mobile app chats.

If you find yourself alone often, try to make an effort to be around friends and family. Go to a crowded cafe to do work. Go to public events.

People are generally good, even if they make mistakes. The media sells fear and is not a reflection of everyday life. It's ok to be cautious, to have street smarts, etc, but don't let the image projected by the media imprison you in your room.

Death is a common fear, but how can you live now if you're waiting for it to happen? There are many ways to look at it. I see it as I won the greatest lottery in the universe. What are the chances that I am alive on Earth? What are the chances that I am a human on Earth? There is endless space in the universe, but I was lucky to be born on a temperate planet that supports intelligent life. I'm also living in a first world country with a roof over my head. I have so much potential. I was given the chance at life, and I'm going to live it, damn it!

Talk to a doctor about getting help. There's no shame in reaching out for help. It's better to address an issue early than let it get out of control.

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