Terror attack over, 147 dead at Kenya university

It's been known as Palestine since the days of the Roman Empire. It hasn't been called Israel by anyone but Zionists for thousands of years. And what happened to the first Kingdom of Israel? Destroyed by a war between Jews! How ironic.

So? Is it your goal to use an incorrect understanding of history to demonize Jews, in general, throughout all the ages? It shows you are more interested in indulging your own ignorant prejudices than actual conversation. The first Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire and the Kingdom of Judah was destroyed by the Babylonian Empire. While those Kingdoms divided after King David & Solomon's unified Kingdom after a disagreement of succession, it wasn't a war and it wasn't what destroyed them.

The land both Kingdoms sat on was and still is known as the Land of Israel, Israel being the name given to the Patriarch Yakov (Jacob). The Romans named the land Syria Paelestina in a political attempt to erase any Jewish connection to the land, a political struggle that continues to this day in the form of individuals such as yourself.

Its interesting that the Arabs would take on themselves a political name invented by pagan Europeans which itself is a bastardization of a long gone nation of Philistines, which itself is a word now used to describe an uncouth, unsophisticated person.

But perhaps in a sense you're right. We learned over the millenia that division is death which is how we defied history and natural law to not only survive exile and dispersion, but to prosper and to reclaim our ancient land. I suppose you could say its ironic that the civilizations of Rome, Babylon and Assyria all crumbled and yet Israel remains - stronger militarily than all their successors combined.

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