Terrorist Incident in Paris

Sorry but I find it important to hold religions responsible for their problems instead of just ignoring them.

You say that like there's just some sort of massive centralised Islam HQ that coordinates everything that all Muslims do. How do you hold a religion responsible for anything? There's nobody in charge of a religion - there's nobody or anything to actually hold responsible.

And just because they exist within a group doesn't mean that group is responsible. Almost all acts of terrorism are perpetrated by men (actually so are most serial killings, mass murders and genocides throughout history for that matter), is it up to women to hold us responsible and point out that problem makers exist within the 'male' group?

Why do I think acts of terrorism are committed? Lets see, today they were openly committed as a retaliation for cartoons because you can't draw the prophet muhammad. Would you disagree with that?

I think that the cartoons are given as the justification for why that particular group was targeted today, but that's not why a terrorist act was committed. Groups like the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and ISIS don't exist and recruit because Western newspapers publish cartoons that offend them. This is way bigger than that.

Osama Bin Laden was said to have plotted 9/11 as an act to raise the anger of the US public to the extent where America declared war in the Middle East. A war that would be expensive, would damage the integrity and financial security of the US, and one which would be difficult to fight, cause large numbers of civilian casualties, and ultimately provide easy propaganda for claims that the US bullied and slaughtered civilians within Islamic nations. There's decent cause to argue it worked.

Every time the US and other Western countries are provoked into action in the Middle East, tens of thousands of Muslim civilians die. Atrocities like the Amiriyah bombing happen. Around 150,000 civilians died in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars in the last decade and a half - that's 150,000 dead people with friends and family who might now feel aggrieved and want revenge.

The principle here could easily be the same - groups like ISIS already have Muslims coming to join and fight in Syria and Iraq from European countries. Those people are only going to do that if they feel disillusioned with their lifestyle here, and are unhappy with what they see happening in those countries. The guy in the videos where journalists were beheaded was distinctly speaking with a British accent, and there will be plenty of others within those organisations who were born and raised in Western Europe and left to join them.

The way I see it, France is a country where there is already a significant amount of tension against Muslims, where the far-right is on the rise, and where maybe Islamic terrorist groups already see a reasonable influx of people looking to join and perhaps want the chance to have a lot more. So they plan a terrorist attack, target it in a way where it's seen to appeal to Muslims and to be Islam attempting to impose its opinions and laws upon western society, and suddenly they can trigger a huge anti-Islamic response within France that serves to further marginalise Muslims who live there and push them into the arms of groups like ISIS.

I don't think that whoever is in charge of ISIS is stupid enough to believe that a terrorist attack like this will actually silence people who mock Islam - there are plenty of other satirical publications that haven't had staff killed today and could be said to have gotten away with it. Likewise it's not just about the shock factor and killing people - to do that they could have just opened fire in the centre of Paris and done far more damage.

It's about solidarity to their cause. It's about generating the sorts of comments that exist on here about how this is Muslims being Muslims and that it's all because of the rules of Islam that they behave like this. It's about stirring that pot of shit of public opinion to the extent where French Muslims can relate to ISIS more than they can relate to the French public. That, and the string of new recruits it brings, is far more valuable to them than the fact a few satirists out of the dozens who routinely mock them are now dead.

/r/news Thread Link - news.sky.com