TES : Escape from Methesda : Now with added teddy Bears

Elder Scrolls 14: The Revenge of Michael Kirkbride

Nerevarine-san woke up one winter morning...

Then our bloodthirsty gang knew what to do. They had to infiltrate Michael Kirkbride-san's forbodding dungeons but in order to do so, they had to wear a disguise.

Nerevarine-san thought long and hard about the best disguise. They couldn't be too obvious or threatening because then Michael Kirkbride-san's guards could catch them. But they couldn't look too mundane because then Michael Kirkbride-san's guards would never let them in. No... they had to be clever.

So Nerevarine-san came up with the best idea he had: they would dress up in gothic clothes! Nerevarine-san's friends were a little skeptic at the idea, but they all agreed it was for the best. But where would they get the best gothic clothing to surprise the guards with? Vivec-san knew exactly the best store to go: TrampVamp.

So they all went there in the deep of the night and took out the patrolling store guards with their silenced cross bows, 'paw!' 'paw!', leaving only a single red dot in their forehead Todd Howard-san deactivated the alarm and so they could easily get into the store and take whatever they need in order to infiltrate Michael Kirkbride-san's headquarters

Nerevarine-san put on nice tight studded leather pants. Then a black tanktop with My Chemical Romance's logo on the back and on top of it all a nice long leather coat with blood-red streaks on the side. Then he painted his nails black and used red blood to draw little drops of blood on there Vivec-san wore a short red skirt with long black stockings that had holes where the toes would go so she could still paint her toenails. And she also had a corset made from unicorns gut that looked so awesome on her. Over this all she had a long leather coat. Todd Howard-san also had cool clothes (A/N but I'm running out of imagination to describe it, so I guess he looked like Neo from the Matrix i know it's an old movie but those clothes look soooo cool)

Finally they were ready to face Michael Kirkbride-san!

Our heroes arrived at Michael Kirkbride-san. He just stood there. Its time you saw my true form, mortals. "Mortals?" said Todd Howard-san "What does he mean?" "Maha. Fools...behold..." With that he ripped his mask off! and his face!which dripped blood on the floor! His horns sprung up, he was actually Satan all along!

"I love you" said Nerevarine-san; "What?" said Satan, supprised "I love you" said Todd Howard-san. "I love too" said Nerevarine-san. "I love as well!" said Michael Kirkbride-san. "What? Noo...ARRRGGG" screamed Satan Satan :: exploded in a shower of hearts! "Not even Satan can defeat the power of Love"

"Our work here is done" With that, they all went home, safe in the knowledge that Satan was gone and GOD was protecting them all along.

The End

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