
No Frey Ever Expects The Septish Inquistion: Speculations on potential players and plot twists in the downfall of house Frey

TLDR:I list potential players in the coming Freypocalypse, some well known, others not. The most intriguing possibility I have come-up with is the High Septon, based on eye witness testimony from Sandor “Gravedigger” Clegane, decides to prosecute house Frey for violation of guest-right, and sends the Faith Militant, led by Lancel Lannister, to bring him to justice. Also, speculate on internal strife within house Frey beyond the Black Walder-Edwyn enmity. Ever since I saw season 3 of the show (which I saw before reading the books), I have been thinking of ways that Lord Walder can get what’s coming to him. Most of the posts in this sub on this topic focus on the possibility of Red Wedding 2.0, and the potential internecine strife between Edwyn and Black Walder. I don’t think these will be sufficient to bring down the house by themselves. The RW 2.0 is probably just a device to get a lot of Freys to move in the same direction at the same time (this party will probably not include Lord Walder, who is too old to be travel). Many Freys are probably neutral regarding the Edwyn/Black Walder. So other players and plot twists will likely be involved. Bear with me as I proceed to bury the lead… The Usual Suspects include:

_Zombie-Cat and those members of the Brotherhood without Banners that are with her. Hellbent for vengenance, the most obvious threat. Uncertain what the outcome of the meeting with Jaime and Brienne will be.

_The Other members of the Brotherhood without Banners that are not with Lady Soneheart, including Edric Dayne and Anguy the Archer.

_Tom of Sevenstreams is spying for the Brotherhood without Banners at Riverrun, currently occupied by Emmon Frey.

_The Blackfish-Army-of-One- usually presumed to be headed to LSH/BwB, Might freakout at the sight of his zombie niece, so GRRM might have other plans for him.

_The Checkov Wolfpack -promised to reappear by GRRM himself. Unclear whether they can be controlled in predator drone mode from Braavos, or if Arya needs to return to the Riverlands to become pack leader.

_”Wolfish” Riverlands Lords as outlined in this post

_Other possible suspects:

_Other Spies possibly including Lewys Piper and Hildy the whore.

_Stray or fugitive Northmen/Tully Loyalists possibly including 600 Northmen left by Roose Bolton to guard the Ruby Ford (mentioned in the Riverlords post cited above—although I have seen another post somewhere that says they were captured by. Gregor Clegane’s forces). Some may have escaped the Red Wedding, in which case they are almost certainly headed north towards lands controlled by…

_The Lord-Who-Will-Appear-Eventually Howland Reed and his merry band of feral bog devils have largely stayed out of the conflict (although they probably would have taken Moat Cailin if the Boltons didn’t show up). This is not only because. Crannogmen aren’t really a martial culture with experience in fighting pitched battles, I believe it is because Howland is biding his time, being deliberate like Doran Martell, except instead of political scheming, he is preparing for the Others, because Howland is aware of the BIG picture.

"His hounds picked up their scent again north of Hag's Mire," the older woman told him. "He swears that he was no more than half a day behind them when they vanished into the Neck." "Let them rot there," declared Ser Kennos cheerfully. "If the gods are good, they'll be swallowed up in quicksand or gobbled down by lizard-lions." "Or taken in by frogeaters," said Ser Danwell Frey. "I would not put it past the crannogmen to shelter outlaws." (AFFC, Jaime IV)

The swamps of the Neck would make an ideal base to launch guerilla attacks against Frey interests, the BwB or other anti-Frey could launch attacks toward the twins and if they meet too much resistance, retreat to the swamps where mounted and armored soldiers can’t follow them. Also, if Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover are there with Howie, Greywater Watch could become to locus of the Northern resistance efforts.

_** The Faith of the Seven** The Red wedding was heinous violation to the most ancient of laws – guest right. There is no way the High Septon can fail to condemn the Freys without compromising his moral authority:

"These sparrows are especially outspoken," warned Qyburn. "The Red Wedding was an affront to all the laws of gods and men, they say, and those who had a hand in it are damned." (AFFC, Cersei IV)

But how can he determine the truth of what happened at the Twins with all the rumors and disinformation being spread around? Well, there is one eyewitness with no allegiance to houses Frey, Bolton, Lannister, Tully or Stark--Sandor Clegane.

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