
Attempting to Curb Gun Violence in the US

So I have two crazy ideas that could possibly help
First, a person is only allowed to store more excessively powerful weapons at home based on passing of an annual mental aptitude test. A person more qualified than myself needs to make that list and those tests, remember I am crazy.
One year background test/clearance initially to enter program accompanying passing of aptitude test. I probably won’t pass.
Current owners grandfathered in. I won’t get any help here either.
Failing test would still permit storage of weapon of excessive power at an officially licensed facility (i.e. gun range) and allow for usage at said facility. I am crazy but wouldn’t mind blowing off some steam in an appropriate location.
Transportation of said weapons would need to be overseen and arranged by the licensed facility that is storing items. Having my stuff securely transported doesn’t seem that crazy to me I guess, as long as it is reliable and doesn’t cost too much...it’s hard for a crazy person like me to find work.
Weapons classified as self-defense, home-defense or as game/food/hunting are not subject to official storage regardless of aptitude test and may be stored as the owner deems. I may be crazy, but defending what is mine is not.
The owner is at all times responsible for crimes committed their weapon and subject to appropriate punishment. That actually doesn’t seem too crazy.
And a gun sale! Government accepts guns for cash. No questions asked. Sliding payout scale, more powerful will mean more payout to the seller.
I know Australia had success with the second idea, but the thought of the US actually trying to prevent gun violence is a crazy idea.

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